Friday, October 15, 2010

Picture day...

I realize this is one of the most photographed generations but who could resist taking a picture at home on school picture day.. NOT ME! Hee hee...
I love this dress.. I mean love.. Look at it.. It's all knit.. It's her favorite color- PINK and it has just a touch of brown to balance it out.. Pink and Brown is so classic.. I can overlook the pink factor and accept that it is a lovely dress...It has a baret too but she was not on board with wearing it..Boo..
Can't wait to see the professional version but for now, I will enjoy this smile...


She's a Daisy...

We had searched high and low for a troop in our area.. Just when I stopped looking I met Angela on the soccer field..Next thing you know she had a spot for a Daisy in the troop..
This is Maya's first time reciting the Girl Scout Pledge...
She is a Daisy Scout...

Audrey is now a Brownie...

The first event was the "bridging" ceremony for Daisies' becoming Brownies...
Here's the whole troop..

Looking forward to many scouting activities and memories..


Friday, October 8, 2010

Gracie turns 7!

On a beautiful warm sunny day in September a little flock of girls gathered at the Bell house for a good old fashioned all girl party.. Gone are the days where we dress our little girls up for a tea party.. Now they decide what to wear and we are bystanders..

Deanna had a table spread straight out of Martha.. Her bright colors were elegant in glass jars and the super cute rainbow cake was delish..

Gracie was smiling from ear to ear on her rollerskates which made her another foot taller! This sweetheart is one of Maya's sister-friends. Gracie is an amazingly talented girl.. She is smart and sensitive..

It's hard to believe that 7 arrived so fast.. I remember the trips to the Wild Animal park before Lily could walk when Gracie would trade strollers with Maya and clung to me like one of my own..

Happy Birthday Gracie!
Auntie Alex